Amidst the storms, too much work and movement can bring the boat down. In times like these, instead of doing anything, it is best that you just "be still" and let the Hand of God work. Only the Lord can calm the storms of your life. Rather than fear, have faith.
The violent squall did not bother Jesus from sleeping soundly. The desciples with Him were already trembling with fear and have completely forgotten that the Lord who rules everything is physically with them. Their faith shattered amidst the storm.
Every now and then, a storm will come into our lives in the form of problems and difficulties. Storms that will remind us of our need for God. Storms that will test our faith.
As the Lord said, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” (Mark 4:40)
Faith conquers all fears and brings peace to your heart. The truth is Jesus is always with you until the end of time. He is the Lord whom even the wind and sea obey. Put your faith and trust in Him and allow Him to rebuke the storms that come your way.
Lord Jesus, you are my peace. Only you can calm the storms that come my way. Embrace me with your ever loving arms so that I will always be protected and secured. I hold on to your mantle of grace so that I may be healed. May faith completely depends on the miracles that you do to my life each day. Thank you for always working wonders over my life, enriching me in every way, and making my joy full and complete. With much love I pray. Amen.
Thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee. -- Isaiah 26:3